What is one of the best things you can do for your health? Increase mobility. Yes, you read that right. It’s not a superfood or supplement – it’s mobility. The wear and tear of life takes a toll on our bodies. But when we hurt, nothing else seems to matter. That’s why movement is like medicine. It can alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and enhance our health and well-being. Increasing mobility can truly enhance your health.

Benefits of Increasing Mobility

Incorporating simple moves and stretches into your daily routine can make a huge difference. Not only can it improve your posture and increase your range of motion, but it can also effectively reduce the risk of injury. Most importantly, it just makes you feel good. A regular routine of these exercises can increase mobility and enhance your health over time.

Yoga or Workout?

For me, I used to think I had to choose- yoga or working out. I almost always chose the workout because I thought it would have greater rewards. That’s not the case! For me to keep climbing mountains and playing hard, it’s now a non-negotiable. So, instead of being this extra big thing, I make it happen in the flow of my day. A good friend told me, “You only need to stretch as often as you brush your teeth.” Incorporating 1-2 mobility and stretching moves throughout the day can make a big difference and enhance your health.

Where to Start?

If you’re wondering where to start, don’t worry. I created a series of YouTube videos to get you started. These videos offer a series of simple moves to improve your mobility, and you don’t have to be an expert to do them (I’m not, for sure- no judgment on the videos). Pick a combination of stretches that suit you, and get moving! Remember, the key to reaping the benefits of mobility is consistency. This will not only increase mobility but also enhance your health in the long run.

Check the introduction video then go to my favorite mobility movement and stretches. Want to learn more about movement and exercise? Explore this article about the benefits of strength training.

Legs on Wall