Ask someone how they’re doing, and you’ll probably hear “busy” somewhere in the response. Who isn’t busy these days? In our always-connected, hustle culture, it feels like we’re all struggling to keep up. We all know rest should be a priority, but it’s tough, right? For me, rest often feels like one more thing to add to an already packed to-do list- something that doesn’t seem as valuable as the other tasks vying for my attention.

But here’s the reality- Rest is the most underutilized “hack” for better health and productivity. As Labor Day- a holiday born from the fight for work-life balance- approaches, it’s the perfect time to prioritize rest and understand its value. Neglecting rest contributes to stress and burnout and can wreak havoc on your health.

The Science of Stress and Your Health

When it comes to your health, stress isn’t just a mental burden. It profoundly impacts your physical health and well-being. Here’s how chronic stress can disrupt key aspects of your health:

  • Gut Health: Did you know that just one hour of stress can compromise your gut lining, leading to what’s known as “leaky gut”? This condition allows harmful substances to enter your bloodstream, potentially leading to inflammation and other health issues (PMID: 26742063).
  • Mental Health: Chronic stress can shrink the brain’s prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for memory and decision-making, while simultaneously enlarging the amygdala, which is responsible for fear and anxiety (PMID: 27155130).
  • Weight Management: Stress-induced cortisol spikes not only increase appetite but also shift fat storage to the abdominal area, making weight loss more difficult (PMID: 30056130).
  • Hormonal Balance: Prolonged stress can disrupt the delicate balance of sex hormones, leading to everything from fatigue and mood swings to more serious reproductive issues (PMID: 23806022).

Make it Small and Seamless

Stress management often feels like something extra- a task that requires time and effort we simply don’t have. Instead of it it being separate, integrate small, manageable moments into your daily routine. By making rest easier to do, you increase the likelihood that you’ll actually do it, and the cumulative effect of these small actions can be powerful. Here are a few ideas:

Schedule Microbreaks to Interrupt Autopilot: Don’t wait for the perfect moment—schedule short, 5-minute breaks throughout your day. Use this time to stand up, stretch, or take a few deep breaths. These small, intentional actions can disrupt the constant flow of activity and give your mind a chance to refresh and reset.

Add a “Sigh” to Your Routine: Next time you take a bathroom or water break, practice this simple breathing technique called the physiological sigh. Take two quick inhales through your nose, followed by a slow, long exhale through your mouth. This technique is proven to reduce stress and anxiety, helping to shift your body out of stress mode and into a more relaxed state.

Phone Focus Reset: Use your phone for something other than checking emails or social media. Set a timer or use an app to guide you through a 2-minute breathing exercise or quick meditation. By stacking this habit onto something you already do regularly, like checking your phone, you can make rest a consistent part of your routine.

So, if you’re still reading this, thanks but go rest. 😀 It might just be the most productive thing you do.

Rest and stress management are the most underutilized hacks in health. Remember, it’s the consistent, small actions that truly move the needle. Interested in learning more? Check out these foods that can reduce stress.