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Tired of feeling like your body’s betrayed you? Ready to kick restless nights, hot flashes, and mood swings to the curb? Wondering if HRT is right for you?

Join me and special guest Amanda Maxam, PharmD, for a FREE no-holds-barred 90-minute-deep dive into nutrition, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and mastering menopause like a boss!

Amanda Maxam, PharmD, is co-owner of MixPill Compounding Pharmacy and brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for women’s health to this special event. With a commitment to personalized care and close patient relationships, Amanda is dedicated to helping women like you thrive during menopause and beyond.

On the Menu:

Understanding Hormones and Weight Gain: Learn how hormonal shifts impact metabolism and weight management and discover simple nutrition strategies for maintaining a healthy weight.

Managing Hormone Symptoms: Dive into practical tips for dealing with sleep issues, mood swings, and hot flashes through targeted nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments.

Dispelling Myths About HRT: Separate fact from fiction as we debunk common misconceptions surrounding hormone replacement therapy, empowering you to make informed decisions about your health.

Deciding if HRT is Right for You: Gain clarity on whether hormone replacement therapy aligns with your health goals and values, with expert insights from my guest HRT specialist, Amanda Maxam, PharmD.

Choosing the Right HRT: Navigate the world of hormone replacement therapy options with confidence, understanding the benefits, risks, and considerations for personalized treatment.

Top 3 Supplements for Menopause: Discover the power of supplements in supporting hormonal balance and learn about the top three supplements recommended for menopause wellness.

Perfect if you’re:

  • Approaching or experiencing menopause
  • Curious about the impact of nutrition on hormonal health
  • Seeking remedies for menopause symptoms
  • Considering HRT as a wellness strategy

Questions We’ll Answer:

  • How can I manage weight gain associated with hormonal changes?
  • What nutritional strategies help with sleep, mood swings, and hot flashes?
  • What supplements should I take to help with my menopause symptoms?
  • How do I determine if HRT is an option?
  • What factors should I consider when choosing an HRT method?

About the Experts:

Amy Fox, M.S., is the Founder of Food and Mood Lab and a respected nutrition authority with expertise in functional foods. Amanda Maxam, PharmD, is co-owner of MixPill Compounding Pharmacy and brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for women’s health to this Cafe. With a commitment to personalized care and close patient relationships, Amanda is dedicated to helping women thrive during menopause and beyond.

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